(516) 484-9338 info@nassaumuseum.org


Plan your next Professional Development workshop at the Museum.

Professional Development K-16

The museum offers both live, online professional development workshops as well as on-site professional development workshops. Workshops are designed to engage teachers and administrators in participatory and meaningful experiences. NCMA’s education staff tailors workshops to meet individual classroom needs.  All programs serve to introduce the museum as a resource for teaching, classroom learning and self care.
Teachers receive CTLE credit and a certificate of participation for all Professional Development Workshops.

Please contact Michelle Badzim, Manager of School Programs:   mbadzim@nassaumuseum.org 

On-site Professional Development 

Museum Galleries and Sculpture Garden 

Professional Development workshops are tailored to the needs of educators and administrators, K-16, in all disciplines. NCMA’s Professional Development workshops focus on how to use works of art as a resource for teaching. The workshops are object/art centered; inquiry based and are designed to engage viewers in a participatory and meaningful experience. Discussions in the galleries are facilitated by education staff and methodologies used are open-ended and multi-disciplinary. Educators will discuss the connections between what they learn during the workshop and their discipline.

Includes the following:

  • Teachers will leave with sample activities that can be used in the classroom.
  • Teachers will receive an Educator’s Resource Packet with images and a study guide.

Half Day – Half day: $900.00 for up to 30 teachers; Hands-on workshop for additional $100.00.

Full Day – $1,800 for up to 30 teachers and administrators; Hands-on workshop for additional $200.00.

Please contact Michelle Badzim –  mbadzim@nassaumuseum.org to inquire.

Art Classes & Workshops

Children’s & Family Programs

Access Resources

School Groups

For Educators

Summer Art Lab for Kids

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