Winter & Spring Creative Collage Workshops Collage Workshops with Derek OwensSelect Saturdays, Once Per Month, 1pm – 4pmAdults and Teens 16+Location: The Manes Art Education Center Dates and Times: Register for 1 class or more. Saturday, February 15, 1pm-4pm...
Figure Drawing with a Live Model Independent study – non-instructional Location: The Manes Art & Education Center All levelsAdults and Teens 16+Mondays, 10 am-1 pm Winter Session II (5 weeks) – March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Spring Session I (5 weeks) –...
Introduction to Watercolor Art Class with Jim Minet Location: The Manes Art & Education Center Beginner to advanced levels. Some drawing experience encouraged.Adults and Teens 16+ Tuesdays, 1pm-3:30pm Winter Session 1 – (5 weeks) January 14, 21, 28, February...
Fall Florals in Watercolor Art Class Taught By Oksana DanzigerBeginner to intermediate levelsAdults and Teens 16+Thursdays, 9:30am-12pm Fall Session 1 (4 weeks) – October 17, 24, November 7, 14 Fall Session 2 (4 weeks) – November 21, December 5, 12, 19...
Introduction to Wheel Throwing Located at The Manes Art Education Center Beginner to Intermediate levelsAdults and Teens 16+ Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10 am-12:30 pm and 1:30-4 pm Thursdays, 10 am-12:30 pm $472.50 members | $525 non-members for 7 week classes Form a...