(516) 484-9338 info@nassaumuseum.org
Outdoor Adventures! Sculpture Search

Outdoor Adventures! Sculpture Search

Outdoor Adventures! Sculpture Search   Planning a family visit to the Museum? Go on an outdoor adventure and scavenger hunt in our sculpture garden. Download clues and fun activities below. Download Outdoor Adventures Sculpture...
Japanese Woodblock Prints Lesson

Japanese Woodblock Prints Lesson

Japanese Woodblock Prints Lesson   Instead of visiting NCMA with your class, we are bringing the Museum to you! We have put together a series of art explorations using works from our current exhibition, which is all about the color blue. This one is about...
10 Ten-Minute Drawing Lessons

10 Ten-Minute Drawing Lessons

10 Ten Minute Drawing Lessons For all ages Created by Katie Aragon Drawing is about looking closely, slowly and recording what you see. Together we will discover drawing, art vocabulary and ways of looking in ten minutes for ten days. You can of course draw for longer...
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